This Week in the Studio: 09.12.12
Written by Jimmy
Decorating the Christmas Tree while invading London and complaining about publicising personality disorders? And bee cell splits the band!
This wasn’t an easy week to pull off. All the boys were under serious pressure from the girls in their lives to get on with Christmas planning and abandon this band stuff. Andy was a no show having devoted too many weekends to music. Martyn was forced into daughter driving duty. But the rest rallied for a half day — Louise, Ed, Rob, Jimmy and Mike (aka Tube Boy). And a cameo from Nataasha (more on this).
Revisting ‘Invading London’ for most of the session. Mike, Rob and Ed restored the Spanish groove driving it a bit harder and then layered on guitar after guitar, percussion instrument after percussion instrument (including litte Benjamin , the Tube, and Clip Clop), and Rob thru in the Clav, restoring himself to Disco Glory. Louise laid down all the lead vocals this time with Ed handling Bvox and harmony coach despite a cold. Great fun!
Then, as part of a major agreement with Kathy, we convinced Mike, Rob and Louise to decorate the family X-mas tree, while Ed became Jimmy’s Andy and helped lay down song structure for Starin at My Shoes a new song that will feature George of the Jungle Drums! So all very Christmasy, with most of the band gatherin’ round the ol’ tree decorating. Only at Abubilla Music.
We certainly did the Pizza and Diet Coke thing, although Ed was downing OJ to cure the cold. We were joined for lunch by Nataasha, who pitched a video for one of our songs — we agreed and could have a video ready by March or so. Jimmy was working hard to recruit her as a ‘founding fan’ while Louise was working hard to rubbish the whole ‘contrived nature of founding fans.’ This teamwork thing is amazing. Quite a bit of lunch with spent with Jimmy’s kids slagging him off for slagging them off in the annual Christmas card. Something about saying the Morgan had a personality disorder, that Tory was a bit …. unpleasant, and Hunter had hygiene problems. And they complained. Kids today!
Oh and one really important thing — Rob took FOREVER to lay down his bass track for Invading London, but once he did, he started playing Bee Cell on his I-Phone. Most bands breakup eventually from drugs and/or sex and/or rock and/or roll – we will be the first band split asunder due to Bee Cell. Watch this space — we are at the bleeding edge of music.