Background to lyrics of Sandy
Written by Jimmy
I challenge anyone to find a song that took longer to write from beginning to end. This song started in 1977. Wrote the Sandy and Lorrie verses. Liked the ideas of the puns and had the tune down. That was it. Forgot all about it. Then when Andy and I were learning how to use Pro Tools in 2009, we need to have some music to work with. So I sung him this one. He sort of liked it. But, of course, it was a bit short. So I very quickly dashed out the Robin, Rose and Candy versus, so we had something to work from. He asked where the Chorus was. I didn’t really know differences between Choruses and Verses, until he explained versus came up once and Choruses came up more often. Made sense. So together we dashed out the Chorus pretty quickly. Morgan, Ceci and Ellen were hanging around and had just finished their ‘Puppy Puppy verse’ from an earlier song (don’t ask!). When the girls sang Girls it sounded like the old Oscar Myer Weiner jingle so we added ‘fat girls, skinny girls’ in reference. See:
To be very clear, these ‘girls’ names don’t refer to anyone — I was just looking for puns that would work. Unfortunately, a couple names overlap with some folks I hung out with — that is coincidental. And more importantly, I don’t even know a Candy, but it might have been nice. I would have ended the song with ‘Kathy’ if I could — but it is not really a punny name.
And finally, Martyn hates Andy’s tin whistle. Just mean, Martyn.