Background to Lyrics of The Knife Will Come

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(Updated on Valentines Day) This is a bit sad.  A bit sick.  But led to our first video.  Okay, three things you need to know about this song:

1. The lyrics:  The song was inspired by the long relationship of Hunter & Tati.   My son, Hunter, is rightfully madly in love with Tati and his life is fairly centred around her – and he ‘writes poetry on bracelets’ and they’re always ‘sharing lattes and ice cream cones.’   His old, jaded Dad, then projected his more unsucceesful teen-age  love life onto his son.   That is where the ‘knife will come’ arises — the notion of a guy getting into a relationships knowing she’s going to inevitably dump him.  And he gets deeper and deeper in, knowing with each step the pain is going to be that much worse:  ‘A love so deep, I’ve lost myself and when it ends I pray i’m found.’ neon snapback hats.   We took the lyrics into a dark stalking thing toward the end — Hunter hasn’t gone that way yet.    That’s just sad.  The sick ‘art imitates life’ bit is that Hunter than shared the lyrics with Tati, pointing out that his Dad was anticipating the inevitable heartbreak that will occur when Tati dumps him.  She didn’t speak to me for 8 days after.   And now she uses the word ‘ish’ a lot around me.  So I asked if she was okay with us usuing a picture of her and hunter in the liner notes (they are next to the ‘knife’ lyrics in their Zombie make-up for Halloween).  Hunter said yes.  I asked her and she said ‘ish.’  Then I asked just now if she was okay with telling the not talking to me story.  she first pointed out that this story is not entirely true, but then confirmed ‘ish.’  Not fully sure what this means but i think it means she’s not really okay, but tolerating this strange man’s behaviour.  I’m pleased to say the song was written about 8 months ago and they’re still together.  they’re making pancakes in the kitchen as I write this.   Cheap Snapback. To complete the story, we have cleverly disguised the lyrics by changing in our final take the lead vocalist to Louise (the song went thru Jimmy leads and Ed leads).  That now makes it totally different.  it is about some girl.  It is not about Hunter because he’s a guy and the singer is a girl.  So all disguised then.  Sorted.

2.  Musically, this song has benefited massively from multiple retakes.  Started with Jimmy on vocals (God awful, horrible, ridiculou) and it had a ‘We can Work it out’ rip-off chorus.  The switch to Ed as lead vocals, but that didn’t work either.  Finally, went to Louise, who after a bunch of goes, settled on this scary stalker character… we are all now a bit nervous around Louise.  She does crazy stalker surprisingly well.   cheap Snapback hats.  And she rocks a bit on the final ‘pieces.’  Surprised herself.   We then had multiple goes on instruments and Ed provided the key trumpet bits which we really like. Martyn added some nice guitar lines throughout, which surprise and play well off the trumpets.

3.   Video:  well, well, well.  I’m writing this on Valentine’s Day and Nataasha delivered the video on time, in full yesterday for posting.  She’ll write lots of blogs on it (once she and crew get some sleep and recover!) but we all love it.   Nataasha wrote, directed and produced the whole thing, Lou spent a day with green screens and got to dunk her face in water (the hardest part!).  I won’t spoil their chance to tell the story, so watch this space.


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