Magic Dust: 09.12.02
Written by The Saturday Morning Canasta Club
We will be running a blog series on ‘magic dust’ where we share some of our favourite moments in music history. We define ‘magic’ dust as that moment in a song when you just go, ‘wow!’ That is cool. Our aspiration is to sprinkle the 2010 album with a bit of magic dust. And, we’d love to collect in one place the definitive list of greatest magic dust moments in music. So let the list begin! We’ll start obvious and then we’ll get more esoteric over the life of the blogs.
1. Nominations for best ‘peak note’: we’re defining ‘peak note’ as the note that the whole song builds to and once you get to you go ‘yes.’ Generally, this moment is combined with air guitar or air sax. Two examples to get this category going: 42 seconds into Money for Nothing to kick off Mark’s guitar and the moment 3.38 in Walk on the Wild Side that introduced the sax after the coloured girls (his words not mine) doing doop, doop, doop.
2. Nomination for best double vocals when you least expect it. So this isn’t Beach Boys God Only Knows (which is ALL magic dust), but more surprising little vocal offsets. These include: Fall On Me (unplugged) by REM, really starting at 2.12 or Mansa by Daby Toure or Black Water at 3.00 on in this live version.
Okay, starting point. recognising i’m mixing magic dust with song lists. Oh well. will improve as we go.