Worrying Livestock

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Well, it turns out that there is something even more horrible for Louise then boy’s song lists – and it all starts with Andy reporting on some disturbing CCTV footage and Martyn summarising a related ‘common law’ (no pun intended).  All this resulting in Louise begging the boys to play trivia games re Song Lists during our Winter 2009 Spanish Jam.

Okay.  Deep breath and here goes. Andy, who starts all stories with ‘fact’ and then tells a long story at the end of which he confesses that most of the story was based on Jamie Curtis Lee interview that may or may not have happened on Oprah.  In this case the story went:  ‘fact, a drunk dude was caught on CCTV having sex with a horse’.     Now, the boys are intrigued by the logistics of this and ask a lot of probing questions — Andy was not a lot of help here especially around ‘what happened to the tail?’  Louise asked that this conversation stop.  And maybe we go back to working on the song – which had nothing to do with the subject although Ed confessed later to pursuing a cowboy theme.   But Martyn then pipes in and says there are laws against this — its all about ‘Worrying Livestock.’  But I’ve gone on line and all I can see is laws against dogs bothering sheep which is NOT what we’re talking about.    But there we go.

So ‘Worrying Livestock’ becomes the inside boy joke thing for all of the Winter 2009 Spanish Jam.   Louise find this incredibly un-amusing, as did Kathy, when news of our antics spread from the studio.  Louise by end was begging us to play trivia games about song lists, but we prevailed.  It is amazing how much Worrying Lifestock can come up in conversation and I’m personally determined to have it rival Small Plane Crash Victims Amongst Musicians and Octopus Mud Wresting as our most important Tag.  You will see it cropping up from time to time.

Postscript:  Rob later found a nice little video of Worried Livestock taking revenge.  Approach with caution.


  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/8444134.stm

    You see-its a regular occurrence!

    Comment by Andy on January 7, 2010 at 10:50 am

  2. …charged with a serious sexual offence against a donkey between February and April 1999…

    Must have taken some stamina to keep it up for 2 months !

    Comment by Rob on January 8, 2010 at 1:51 am

  3. …a threesome at 66 years old. So aspirational.

    Comment by Jimmy on January 8, 2010 at 2:41 pm

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