10 Things I have learnt from my trip to Nairobi

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Here’s my list

1. That the youth of Nairobi speak ‘Sweng’ – a slang mix of Swahili and English

2. That checking in for a BA flight online early enough can secure you the emergency exit rows.

3. That, despite the advert breaks, BBC World News can be helpful to stop the lonely business traveller going slowly mad. To fulfill this role it must be switched on as soon as you enter the room, and not switched off until sleeping or leaving.

4. That red lights do not mean the same thing to drivers in Nairobi as they do in the UK.

5. That Tusker Beer is nice, and in supermarkets, is billed as liquid and bottles separately.

6. That you can buy anything from either a roadside seller or a roadside market (live chickens included).

7. That you should really look a good few times before crossing a road in the River Roads area or else there is a good chance a motorbike with take your toes with it.

8. That my Luo nickname is Odour (meaning I was born in the very early morning).

9. That the Swahili for welcome is Karibu and for thankyou is Asante

10. That when bartering with a seller in a market, it is worth starting at half the price he asked for. That will still be double the price he paid.

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