A Very Short List of Our Best Blogs

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A variety of blogs for you this week, not all music-video orientated (Jimmy) but a selection from across our broad spectrum. Andy’s feature heavily:

I thought to kick off, we’d have a little peek inside the music studio at the development of a couple of songs from the most recently released album, Misery Marmalade and Other Spanish Jams (*insert plug here: all profits from which are going to our very exciting project in Africa).

If you have trouble viewing these blogs, you may be asked to sign in, or up to, the Bird’s Nest. As you can see, the incentive is enormous!

1. Song Development: Sat Out the 15th I first joined Abubilla to “sing” backing on this track. It didn’t make the cut on the first CD, and has been through various stages until finally making it onto Misery Marmalade, poor old thing.

2. And now, you lucky things, here’s Big Old Bird (or, fondly dubbed ‘Bob’) in his very first incarnation.

On the other side of our creative team are the videos – watch this space for Greg’s latest vid. In the meantime, I could hardly write a Best of Our Blogs without including this wonderful video from Hunter, and on our Song of the Moment too! (so, I guess this counts as item 3.)


In at 4. is a wonderful story from Jimmy on why The Singing Wells project is called just that. Read it and weep. Or marvel. Or both. Or, and this is what I am thinking of doing, read it and then go and make some banana bread.

At 5. something a bit more entertaining. This has been on our back catalogue of blogs for ages, but I stumbled across it and enjoyed every Do Re Mi moment. Ah, the hills are alive:

6. will take up most of your time. Degrees of Separation. Go on, challenge yourself!

7. could I also get through this round up blog without plugging the video that has taken the country by storm? I don’t think so. Now, this really is a treat. Plus, PLUS, that’s my mate Alex singing!!

And at 8. (I’m really not into this counting thing. Definitely refuse to count down a la Jimmy. Sorry – you’re just going to have to live with it. It’s a list, not a blast off). Here is another example of Jimmy’s relentless countdowns. But here’s the best bit of it! Beeooootiful!

At no 9. (beginning to feel like I’m presenting Top of the Pops – remember that?!), we have the most incredible jazz drummer, as pointed out by our Voice from Copenhagen, Henrik. Watch out Mike:

And, finally – phew! At 10. I’m going to end quietly, with a little riddle to leave you pondering until the next instalment:

A Riddle

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