Acting is weird/clarinet wanted

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I’ve just left my audition for The Globe’s touring production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream feeling rather flat.

Acting is such a bizarre job. There is nothing you can do to keep yourself feeling on top of it because it’s all for the audience, and you need feedback.

Anyway, the director asked me if I played any instruments and I said I’m really keen to take up the clarinet again, having played it at school. So, even though I’m sure not to get this gig, I think I’m going to start looking for a second hand clarinet to buy – if anyone knows of anyone selling theirs, gimme a bell. I’d also like a teacher too, just for a few refresher lessons and to set me on a good practising routine (that routine that I’ve never mastered on any instrument).

Yesterday I went up for The Hobbit and, as you sit outside the casting room waiting to be seen, with all the other girls who vaguely resemble you in some way, you do wonder whether you aren’t just sitting next to The Next Big Thing. Then you over hear their reading and think: probably not.

“A wizard?! You had a wizard come to your house?!”

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