Be My Yoko Ono: Happy Birthday
Written by Jimmy
Yoko Ono was born today — in 1933. For those keen readers, Yoko is second to Pattie Boyd in ‘woman who inspired great music’, but falls down to 567th in our list for breaking up the Beatles (I don’t care what the facts are on this one).
To review: Pattie Boyd wins with Something, Layla and Wonderful Tonight, as the George Harrison and Eric Clapton battled it out for her affections thru song.
In this context, Yoko doesn’t really rate. But it’s her Birthday. So, we take away Ballad of John and Yoko because she helped with that one. We’ll give her Julia because she’s alluded to in that one by John and certainly Watching The Wheels Go By. But the only reason we rate her at all in this category is for the Bare Naked Ladies, ‘Be My Yoko Ono (lousy video, buy the song).
More importantly this set off the next category, which we’ll explore later — fat drugged out guys that inspire great music. First, great, great entry from Bare Naked Ladies Again is of course, Brian Wilson (cover video, buy the song). Later on Magic Dust, we’ll explore the timing shifts in this song as being one of the classics….