Fun Facts: 10.01.27
Written by Jimmy
New little weekly blog, inspired by I-Pod storage capacity and a strong desire to retain some of the left-brained newsletter subscribers. So each week, we’ll give 2-3 fun facts. Today is about damn Hoover, 31 Manhattans and a ban on left turns.
1. If you build a road with all the cement used in Hoover Dam, it would be a two lane highway stretching from New York to LA. Which would basically be Route 66, which is good song done by Nat King Cole and Dr Feelgood.
2. Attributed to Andrew Winston, author of Green to Gold: every year the Chinese build 7.5B square feet of new office space. That is the equivalent of 31 Manhattans. And there are least 31 songs with Manhattan in the title, including Kings of Leon and Leonard Cohen.
3. Also from Andrew, UPS in the US reduced total miles driven by their drivers by 28,000,000 and saved 3,000,000 gallons of gas, by banning their drivers from taking left turns. Reduced waiting times at lights and forced them to do better route planning. And watch Kings and Queens, which features UPS Driver, Doug.
That’s it. Good enough for me.