Voices: Seattle 10.03.06 March Musical Musings

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So today I was driving along in my car listening to emmy lou harris and mark knopfler on their duet album called all the road running (i think).

 He did that other fun album with folks like James Taylor and Van Morrison sitting in on one song each (sailing to philadelphia) but this is an entire album of Emmy Lou and Mark together. It is wonderful. I especially love “this is us” which should be on your Valentine list for 2011 since I forgot about it for 2010.

Listening to them also made me think of the Alison Krauss and Robert Plant duet album that came out last year or the year before – also really good and where 1+1=3. That one is called rising sand.

Check them out!


  1. I agree with Seattle Winky’s words on Plant and Krauss and Mark Knopfler and Emylou. Which brings to mind one of my all time favorites and a bit of an underrated sleeper as far as I’m concerned. If you like Knopfler’s upbeat (They’ll be some changes made) and playful side (Yakety Axe) try Mark Knopfler and Chet Atkins, Neck and Neck. A brilliant example of two greats testing each others steel. Fun, fun, fun. A great “road tripper” or long summer night bbq with the mates! Enjoy!

    Comment by Bellingham Cathy on March 7, 2010 at 7:20 pm

  2. Oh, yes, and “They’ll be some changes made” with Chet and Mark. Sweet!

    Comment by Bellingham Cathy on March 7, 2010 at 8:19 pm

  3. Cathy,

    Seems to me you need to become the Voice of BC… Let us know and we’ll set you up right away.


    Comment by admin on March 12, 2010 at 9:01 am

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