Mike and Soph’s Excellent Adventure, featuring Gus ‘guns’ Warriner

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So a couple of weeks ago Sophie and I went to represent team Abubilla at Gus‘s band, S.U.N‘s gig at the semi finals of a mahoosive nationwide battle of the bands competition.

With Miss Mackinder Bueno dressed in a very smart work dress and me in a wifebeater and flannel shirt we were looking and feeling good. Being the classy young professionals we are it was first stop Sainsbury’s for an 8 pack of premium quality lager, which was consumed in the dignified setting of a war memorial next to a crowd of underage goths sitting and drinking lager. Bemoaning the state of the youth of today we supped our beverages at a dignified pace and headed onto the Purple Turtle in good time for S.U.N.

To paint the scene, we entered halfway through the set of a greasy looking metal band playing to a pretty empty audience, dubious about what we’d just paid £9 to witness.. As is always the case however our fears were assuaged as soon as we and everyone else saw that most wonderful of sights which is Gus Warriner’s heartbreakingly beautiful face. Within two seconds of him and his band stepping out on stage, the venue was literally full of people jumping up and down and generally going mental for S.U.N. It later turned out that they’d literally brought down a coachload of people from Oxford for support but it was still a very impressive sight..

Cue a genuinely ace set of tunes including one or two familiar to Abubilla ears, Gus and his band proceded to blow every other group we saw that night clean out of the water – energy, tightness, ridiculous level of adoration from the crowd, generally a really really great gig. I’m reliably informed the final is 3-4 September, me and my wifebeater will make sure we’re there and strongly recommend you do the same.

All in all a cracking night marred only by me being ditched by Sophie towards the end of the evening as she went in search of some underage love.

“All men are created equal. They are all equally inferior to Gus Warriner.”

Gus Warriner by AbubillaMusic


  1. WOAH WOAH WOAH, excuse me?! I ditched you because a) you’d already poured two – TWO! – pints of beer down my afore-mentioned I’m-a-busy-and-important-executive work outfit and b) you’d turned your amorous attentions to a terrified French girl…

    Next Morning’s Text Messages:
    MP: ‘Guess who woke up to a text from French girl, awwwwright!!
    SM: No way?! What did it say?
    MP: Umm, she’s going back to France…

    Comment by Sophie on August 22, 2010 at 8:37 pm

  2. PS Cool gig though!

    Comment by Sophie on August 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm

  3. Ha ha ha!

    Comment by Louise on August 23, 2010 at 8:04 pm

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