MMaOSJ now available in SO many places, its unreal

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So, as the title suggests, MMaOSJ is now available in lots of online stores. I’ll be writing a blog on this very soon to show how to get your music into these stores, but for the minute, here’s details of places where MMaOSJ is available:

Spotify – This isn’t a store, but is a way to listen to the album, if you like that sort of thing .

HMV Digital – His Master’s Voice goes all modern on us. – give it a erm… play.

Tesco Because every little helps apparently

EMusic eeeeeeeeee, that’s clever

7 digital be in seventh heaven with our album

Amazon Mp3 anyone fancy leaving a review? Once, many years ago, I tried to write a review of Hard Times, in the guise of being the author, but however, the system clocked on that Charles Dickens has been dead for quite a while. Ho hum. Ah the early days of the internet.. the kids don’t know what life was like…… anyway…

MMaOSJ can also be found in the iTunes music store.

Of course the best place to buy the album, if you so desire, is at our own webstore.
That way, the credit card companies/Steve Jobs don’t take all the dosh before it reaches us.

Magic. Enjoy

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