My Recruiting Experience, Day 2? 7?

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I have been sifting through CVs for nigh on four hours now. It’s an arduous task, I can tell you – either I’m going a little bit dotty or some people’s CVs are insanely confusing.

Considering the windows in my tube-side bedroom don’t open, I think it’s a strong caseĀ for the former, but really, why wouldn’t you put your previous work experience in chronological order? Makes no sense.

Must crack on though; push on through the dry-aired haze. I have three piles: Definite No’s, Potential Maybe’s and ‘Ah, these sound good’s. There is also a pile (albeit a small one) of people to get back to because, for some reason, they need more information on the role. And this is another thing I don’t quite understand – why do some people ‘get it’ and others just don’t?

I might reward myself with a cinema trip this evening. Full day of rehearsals tomorrow though, so have to get this done. Ugh.

Answer: mini-eggs.

PS There’s a mouse in my room. I just saw it walk quite calmly along by the skirting board.

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