Pun of the Day: Liver alone, cheese with me
Written by Jimmy
Animals and puns. Another awful pun joke.
The Mexican can
Three dogs – a Chihuahua, a Doberman and a bulldog – are all sitting in a bar having a quiet drink when a great-looking female collie strolls in. She trots up and says: “Whoever can say liver and cheese in a single sentence can have their way with me.” Instantly the Doberman retorts: “I love liver and cheese.” The collie replies: “That’s pretty unoriginal, honey. Can either of you do better?” “If you come back to my place, I’ll show you what you can do with liver and cheese…?” offers the bulldog hopefully. “That’s terrible,” snaps the collie. But just as the Doberman and bulldog are about to round on her, the Chihuahua cuts in: “Liver alone,” he says, “cheese with me.”