Recording At The Infamous Shabby Road Studios

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All you need to know about my friend Johnny

Last week I mentioned I was going to record a new track with my mate Johnny Lucas. Johnny is an electric guitarist, singer and all round Rock and Roll GOD, who is not only in a wicked band, but is also the proud owner of his very own recording studio. I got very excited when he told me this, namely because the words ‘recording studio’ bring certain visions to mind; Kate Moss lolling around on a sofa doing illegal things while Pete Doherty jams with his band, for one, not to mention countless other cool scenarios.

Anyway, last week, Johnny picked me up from the tube station in his ‘band van’. It was raining so hard that even running from the tube exit to the van made me look like I’d taken a bath with my clothes on. Not a very ‘Kate Moss’ look I can tell you. However, I soon cheered up when Johnny pulled-over to get some beers from the off-licence. Apparently, all recording sessions should be accompanied by alcohol, it adds the  rock and roll vibe, Johnny informed me. ‘Yay!’ I thought ‘Now we’re talking!’

All was going well until we arrived at the flat. Rather shockingly, Johnny passed me a beer and then suggested we go up to his bedroom. My stomach did a triple jump. His bedroom?? What does he think I’m here for?! My mind went into over-drive. Little beads of sweat then started to appear on my forehead.

Johnny registered the horror on my face.

‘Don’t worry love, my bedroom is my recording studio!’ he laughed. My heart, which had momentarily stopped working, kicked back into action ‘Oh right!’ I squeaked and mopped my brow.

We went upstairs and Johnny ushered me into the studio, ‘Welcome to Shabby Road Studios!’ He heartily announced, swinging the door wide open.

I glanced around and immediately spotted a pair of Pretty Polly tights pulled over the microphone. I gawped at Johnny.

‘Is that… a pair of tights?’ I asked.

‘Ah yeah, about that…’ Johnny said. ‘It does the trick as well as the real thing. It’s to stop your spit going into the mic when you’re singing. Every recording studios has one.’

I raised my eyebrows dubioulsy, ‘Right, well, erm, let’s get to it then’ I coughed.

Four hours and  a few beers later, Johnny and I had an absolutely great take of our song. It is a rather cool cover of the Grease classic ”You’re The One I Want’, and definitely doesn’t sound like it was made in a bedroom. I was very happy at this point. ‘You know Johnny, I really love Shabby Road Studios,’ I crooned with a fuzzy glow in my belly. I took an extra long slurp on my can of Grolsch. ‘It’s got character, and you’re so good at what you do. I’d recommend you to everyone.’

‘Yeah, it’s pretty cool isn’t it,’ he replied. ‘It’s no frills but it does its job and that’s all that matters.’

I gazed fondly at the tights over the mic, ‘Yeah, and I bet there’s no other studio in london that has an extra pair of tights in case Kate Moss ladders the ones she’s wearing!’ I replied.

Johnny nodded in full approval.

Mine and Johnny’s song “You’re The One I Want.” is now available to listen to on my profile page so do please check it out… click on ‘our artists’ at the top of this page and then scroll down until you find my picture…click on my piccie and then the song is there.

If you want to experience Shabby Road Studios for yourself then visit

Next week’s blog is all about me in the Abubilla Studio which was fantastic. Right, better get writing!

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