The Drama Queen

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Given that my Abubilla life is about learning to work with ‘artists’ (vs. business folks) and is somewhat a battle of left vs. right brains, I found this particularly funny!  As a parent, I’m very glad Hunter, Tory and Morgan never did this!

Calls for a final funny little anecdote.  I’ve referred before to the fact that Hunter and Tory were North and South Korea for most of their childhood, with little Morgan playing the role of the DMZ….  One long trip to Wales, little Hunter was being a particular pain, constantly correcting his sisters, nagging them, bothering them, poking them, etc… I kept turning around, and I’m not proud, saying ‘You’re such a  SMARTASS! – cut it out and leave your sister alone”  He was about six, Tory five and Morgan three (she was sitting in the way back with her blankie wishing the two children between her and her parents would just go away).  So this went on every 30 minutes or so like clock work.  Hunter would  stir Tory up, she’d yell, and I’d yell telling him he’s a smart ass and should stop bothering his sister.  Again, I’m not proud of this parenting, but Kathy would have been far worse so I let her drive.  : )  Well, after the 5th time this went on, Tory screamed to her Mother, ‘This just isn’t FAIR.  Hunter keeps being a total jerk and Daddy keeps saying he’s the SMARTEST.’



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