The Myers-Briggs Test for Music, Part 1

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Can we take the famous Myers Briggs test for management and apply it to music?  I say yes, but am only 50% there.  Help welcome.

So what is Myers Brigs, anyway?  It is basically a personality test – usually you’re asked to take it yourself but increasingly, you’re also asked to have folks who work with you to take it as well.  It forces you to answer hundreds of questions that somehow describe you – ‘I am a) always late or b) always on time’, ‘In a meeting I a) always summarise the discussion, b) leave thoughts after the meeting to the meeting leader.’  These go on and on and on.  At end, you’re rated on four dimensions, in terms of a) introvert, extrovert, b) thinking -feeling, etc… and folks then walk around with labels like, ‘Hey, I’m an ISTJ and we should figure out how to work together.’  It is actually quite useful, because you end up with 16 personality types and there’s a lot of research on how those 16 work together.   Often it’s folks with the same personality types that clash the most.  Tends to ‘depersonalise’ conflict because you can say, ‘Hey, we have to work together on this project, and we’re both ISTJ’s.  So typically, we both try to take control, and we resent all others that try.  So let’s sort this out from begining.’  Here’s a link if you want more:   Myers-Briggs

So, anyway, I figure we can create one of these for music.  I’ve been trying to sort out the 4 questions that are ‘indepedent’, i.e., your answer to the first question will not help predict your answer to the second – all folks are likely to answer each in a different way.  I’m not there yet, but here’s a start:

1. Beatles or Stones:  The new generation would be Blur or Oasis, but I think Beatles/Stones works better.  I used to have dinner parties where I started the evening asking everyone to predict how they’d answer their preference for Beatles/Stones.  80% chose Beatles.  Then I went through ten ‘pairs’ of songs (best love song, best dance, etc..) and by end of evening, 80% of folks switched to Stones. I think it is because folks know almost all Beatles songs and only the Stones from Hot Rocks.    As a Taster, here you go with ‘Best Acoustic Campfire’ Song from the two bands:

  A. I’ve Just Seen A Face, The Beatles

B. Spider and the Fly, Rolling Stones

2.  Brian Wilson or Eminem:   WTF?   The point here is actually both are ‘acquired tastes’ and force you to embrace their style and song-writing.  Neither very easy.   I’ve found that folks are evenly divided again on this one, but quite indepedent to where they come out on Beatles/Stones.  I used to do McCartney vs. Lennon, but I’m afraid that Stones folks go almost 100% to Lennon, so not really indepedent.  By the way, those who answer God Only Knows also answer YES to, ‘Do you love Love Actually?’.   Just for reference.

A. God Only Knows:  Brian Wilson

B. The Real Slim Shady, Eminem.

3.   Susan Boyle vs. Crash Test Dummies:   I know, I know.   This is getting weird.  But this gets at the whole notion of pop culture and where folks stand.  And it doesn’t correlate to some Beatles/Brian Wison/Susan Boyle, ‘feel good, have a wine spritzer and watch Love Actually axis’.  Nope, folks go either way on this one.  So here’s the choice:

A. Susan Boyle, First Audition on X Factor:  Won’t let me embed, so here’s ‘The Link’

B. Crash Test Dummies, Swimming in Your Ocean: 

4.  Babyshambles vs. Oren Lavie.  Both songs are beautiful, the choice is hard, but reveals some interesting things that add to your musical personality.

A. Babyshambles, Albion:

B. Oren Lavie, A Dream within a Dream

Okay, so this is just part 1.  I need feedback from folks – score yourself and let me know, so I can check whether these are truly indepedent questions or they’re too heavily correlated. Then I will amend and add four more questions.  Then we’re going to sort out an easy ‘online’ way to record scores, come up with personality types and predict what happens when certain types are stuck in the room with others.  Or maybe I’ll give up on the whole thing and move on with my life.  A bit on a knife edge to be honest…


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