This Week in the Studio: 10.03.09 Gus and the Falling Bear…
Written by Jimmy
We have met the future of music.Okay. A bit overboard. Ed and Jimmy opened up Abubilla Studios on Tuesday night for Gus, a young lad from Oxford. He’s the cousin of a neighbour, living in Oxford, and formed a band in November. They’ll be playing in a ‘battle of the bands’ on the 27 of April in Camden. We invited him down to see what we do and see what he does. A fantastic talent, with a voice like Paolo, Kings of Leon, Crash Test Dummies, Cat Stevens… depending on song and on how much he yells during his rugby matches on Sundays. We recording three songs, two of his, which are great and we used his vocals on Starin’ at My Shoes that work really well.
We’ll work on these on Saturday and send Gus up early MP3’s to see what he thinks. We’ll then put up some info on the band and the 27th battle and see if we can create a fan club in advance to ‘big them up’ Abubilla Style.
And good guy — passed the Lewie, Morgan and Tory test. Lewie bothered him enormously, including weeing on his hand, and he didn’t throw him across the room. Morgan and Grace hung out giving Gus dreamy eyes and saying ‘he was best ever.’ And Tory liked that fact that he liked the panda sneeze video. Truth be told, he laughed hardest at the falling bear video.
That’s it. We’ll say more when we can… See the Bear video that got him giggling
And Tory’s favourite, while you’re at it: