This Week in the Studio: 10.09.25

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Officially, the London studio was closed, but there was so much going on in Alaska and Kenya and huge progress on the video front – so worth a quick update anyway. Three very quick things:

  1. Abubilla Music now has three studios, opening our 3rd in Alaska. Lew came down and joined us for the Summer 2010 Spanish jam.  He liked it so much be built a studio in Anchorage.  Jimmy flew there to help build it and took 47 trips to a local Best Buy to get every cable known to man.  And by the way, when asking for a midi cable, just say ‘can I have a midi cable?’  Asking for a midi to midi cable, which Jimmy did, is a bit reduntant, and makes Alaskans look at you funny.    Studio built.  And Lew is busy with some new guitar solos for the third album.
  2. The Singing Wells Project is Steaming Ahead as Andy Travels South:  So Jimmy goes very North and very West.  And Andy goes very South to kick off the Singing Wells Project.  Great meetings and a real breakthru on getting Ketebul’s website up and running.  Andy will report separately.
  3. Our Video Partners Steams Ahead with Immovable Thing and Monkey Space Camp: Hannah firmly believes she has the ‘best job in the world’.   But my money’s on Greg’s job to make video for Abubilla Music.   He is releasing two videos on October 1 2010 – one for Immovable Thing (a sad song of loss) and the other for Monkey Space Camp (a ridiculously stupid song about the Monkey space programme in the 1950’s, early 60’s.  Who else in the world gets to do that?   Monkey Space Camp will be on the third album, If I Were A Little Birdie.

So blogs emerging over next couple days on the Sing Wells Project and New Videos … watch this space.


(from Seattle)

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