Tip of the Day: 10.04.04 Have a Sassy Gay Friend
Written by Jimmy
A ‘voices’ recommendation from our friends in Seattle, Winky and Valerie. We are recruiting Valerie for voices but she’s being a bit coy. Anyway, this combines our love of Theatre, Acting and, well, taking the piss. It also led to me having 41 e mails in my In Box with the subject line, ‘Sassy Gay Friend’, which raised some eyebrows. Happy Easter and Enjoy. Click on each below for the video:
- Hamlet, ‘She’s a Stupid Bee-itch.’
- Romeo and Juliet: ‘What are you doing? What, what, what are you doing?’ ‘I think you’re 14 and an idiot — you took a roofie from a priest.’
- Othello: 2 he wears pleated pants!
Anyway, these crack me up. I hope they do you as well.
(Thanks Winky and Valerie)