Voices! The Biggest Thing Since …
Written by Jimmy
… stand and stuff Taco Shells.Yes, not to get too distracted but these things have ‘transformed’ that family taco eating experience (well, it made it less messy).
So, what could be as big as this? Well, it’s not this, which is, well, just naff.
And while I think this picture below is really clever — a picture of ‘How Genetics Works’ — it is not as cool as Voices.
Now, let’s not get overly excited. We believe there should be some truth in advertising:
Okay, enuf. What is Voices? Starting in mid March, we will have a new feature on the website. You’ll click on ‘voices’ and will get a map of the world. As you huddle over cities, you’ll see our fans pop up, volunteering to tell you all about the local music scene (or their passions for music). You can then go to their personal blogs and hear all about new music. It is a global ‘Song Discovery’. By mid March we will have about 10-15 folks lined up, including folks in US, Mexico, Brasil, UK, Russia, Sweden, France, Australia. Really cool.
And we’d love you to be part. If you are passionate about music — here’s the test — do you play an instrument or did you do mixed tapes and CD’s for friends? If you did, we want you to be a voice! Easy. You send name, city and little two line blurb about your love of music. We then send you the blogs for how to blog (clever, eh?) and sign you up. And off you go! Get the word out. Will be cool. Almost as cool as this guy:
Or this advertisement:
Get ready for Voices!