World Cup Woes?
Written by Andy Patterson
So, the World Cup is in full swing now. A few interesting happenings to have caught my eye so far:
Firstly, everyone will have seen footage of Robert Green’s spill against the USA, but did everyone see the front page of the Sunday Times?
(click the thumbnail for the pic).
I am quite sure that the night editor and typesetters will have been carried aloft the shoulders of their colleagues.
In other news, the vuvuzela has been making quite a stir, or a din if you will, in the stadiums of host nation South Africa. There have been more than 500 complaints to the BBC about it, probably hundreds of facebook groups (nothing defines a popular event quite like the number of facebook groups that spring up in the wake of it), and a few humorous comments about how if they had all chosen a common pitch (say A) then the football watching world could be pitch perfect by the time the third place playoff game comes around.
Germany company ProSoniq have gone one further and altered their Sonicworx isolate software to produce a realtime Vuvuzela filtering program, downloadable now from their website uses their Sonicworx de-mixing technology, which I’m not wholly convinced about due to the low bitrates of the samples on the website. Still it sounds better than aggressively comb filtering..
(Oh and although its free, it is only available as an AU (Audio Unit) plugin at the minute. Great for Logic users, not so great for Pro-Tools users-so unfortunately any world cup footage viewed at the Abubilla villa in breaks between recording will have to be avec la vuvuzela.
Just installed the vuvuzela filter and using Audio Hijack Pro to process the audio from EyeTV whilst watching the footy.
Works really well. Enough to take the drone out without affecting the EQ of everything else.
Comment by Rob on June 18, 2010 at 3:34 pm