11.01.27 Flat Planet Opens and Gus is Launched

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Yep, Thursday night saw the opening of Flat Planet, John Vincent’s new venture and the launch of our Discovery Series, beginning with Discovery 1:  Gus

Flat Planet

1. This is John Vincent.

this is John Vincent. He looks a bit more rumpled in real life.

2. He’s a cofounder of Leon.

This is logo. Leon is actually name of John's father. Jimmy's likes Leon's porridge. The restaurant, not the Dad's. He doesn't know if the dad makes good porridge.

3. He opened Flat Planet on Thursday.

We played in basement and brought our own vodka. I like that.

4. He asked Abubilla Music to Play

5. We used the event to launch our Discovery Series

The Gig

1. Andy hosted.  He MC’d and played songs from Spiraling, plus Box of Yellow Roses and Stuck in the Middle.

This is Andy. He looks less rumpled in real life (unlike John) and played his album spiralling.

2. Charlotte then sang four or five songs, including Summertime.

3. Then Gus played songs from this Discover Album

Gus played songs on his new EP. They were very good.

It was fun.

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