An Abubilla Assistant

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Here I reveal THE TRUTH about this little alliterative phrase. Abubilla Assistant: That’s me. I’m sure you’d all love to know what it’s like. Well here goes..

Good things:

– If you are mad about music (and if you’re not it seems funny that you’re on this site… but you are welcome anyway!) then working here is pretty darn cool, I get to hear music in progress, and, sometimes, someone might say “OI HANNAH, come in here we need a voice, so sing something” which sounds terrifying (and it was at first) but actually it means I get to sing at work, which is what I like to do anyway, so essentially it’s already my perfect job and I’m 17. Cool.
– You piss off all the other teenagers stacking shelves and folding clothes, doing fun things as your part-time job isn’t normal.
– I have come across the weirdest most random things WHILST WORKING – it’s not even procrastination, most people who work at a computer read hilarious articles, find weird videos and pictures online because they can’t be bothered to work and then get in trouble.. however, as an Abubilla Assistant, well, often your job is find them and post them! Here is an example..
– You get a Papa John’s pizza every Saturday: pretty good work food.
– The Saturday Morning Canasta Club (SMCC) isn’t normal. Listen to 71 Hours to Monday: Global Edition, don’t know any other band that puts all those things together (you’ll get what I mean if you listen and read this)
– It’s great because if I have something cool to share, I share it! Simple. Check out Pogo, that was particularly fun to talk about..
– Some of the days are particularly memorable.. such as this one..  you really want to click on that link.

Bad things:

– The band go to Spain without you.. this could be an awesome thing for an assistant who wasn’t at school, but I am, so yes, I missed the Summer Jam this year because of the nice AS Levels I was doing. This was less than ideal.
– Sometimes you have to deal with numbers, admin and making tea.. well this isn’t really a bad thing, one can do this while hungover. You can’t sing when you’re hungover though so watch out..
– Sometimes you get attacked by Toby..


Sad thing is I’m off on my Gap Yah next year.. so we’ll have a new one in soon!


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