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Just came back from the magical world of Glastonbury Festival, where I was mesmerized by mesmerizing bands and artists that were so famous that it didn’t really sink in, like:

U2, Coldplay, Paolo Nutini, Elbow, Beyonce, Paul Simon, Radio Head and Mumford & Sons.

Being on the rail, ahead of 200,000 people at Coldplay was a memorable moment, I definitely wept for Beyonce, I didn’t really realise how much I loved her, and when she whacked out some Destiny’s Child Songs, I remembered how obsessed I was with them as an 11 year old. How amazing. Also, despite the 6 hour wait and the desperate needing for the loo/ complete invasion of personal space, being right at the front at the Pyramid Stage was completely worth it: I could SEE Chris Martin only a few metres in front of me (a few body guards and members of the press in between us), and also I  got on TV!!:


Amazing, there’s me representing for Abubilla Music on BBC1, really should have been wearing my Abubilla hoodie, but it was 1000 degrees.

BUT the main reason to share this with you is, well I am still overly excited about the whole thing, but also because I heard lots of little humble bands play and they were so good and I thought I’d introduce them to you all.

1. Admiral Fallow

My friend heard them support Frightened Rabbit


who are awesome, and apparently they were really cool too so we went to see them on one morning, and we weren’t let down, they were just as nice and scottish as we had hoped:

Notice the cool clarinet but mainly the flute:

2. Laura Marling, I know she isn’t a little artist, she is a very big artist, but she used to be little and when I first saw her live she had only just released her most recent album: I Speak Because I Can (oh my god is it good), and she was playing in banquet records in my home town Kingston, which is probably the smallest venue ever, which made it even more special:


and now I’ve seen her live for a third time, and this weekend she was playing just before Paul Simon at Pyramid Stage at Glastonbuy Festival, my god has she come a long way! She literally said “this is probably the weirdest moment of my life”.
I was so happy for her and happy to see her, we also noticed that she has an amazing nose. Her face was really big on the screens.

3. Emmy the Great: she really is awesome, I realise this is all quite folky, but that’s just a coincidence, promise.
I was introduced to her by a friend and think she is amazing, born in Hong Kong, graduated at Cambridge University and released two albums with a bunch of other EPs and singles. My favourite of hers:

I also think this is quite funny:

and an amazing cover:


I’m a fan, and personally think you should be too..

See you at Glastonbury 2013

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