Music file not Found
Written by Imogen
I’ve got a gadget on my phone. That’s unlike me because I’m not a gadget type of person. I’m a spiral bound, narrow ruled, hard back kind of gal always using a blue biro to scribble with.
Nevertheless I’ve got a gadget on my phone which I’ve started using. My usage is similar to the half life of an atom but backwards.
Inside the music file is ‘Find Music’. Love it. LOVE IT. I use it in shops, on the radio, watching TV…
…but TV let me down last night and I’m incredibly frustrated with it today…I haven’t looked at it this morning and soon it will know it’s on the receiving end of some pretty stubborn silent treatment.
Watching the new Sky channel, Atlantic, a full hour before they switched it on properly. They were playing a loop of clips that were going to no doubt impress me for the restof the evening and I actually sat through 2 repitions of it before I realised I was watching a loop. It was around then that I realised the music was brilliant. It had strings, piano and a slow start that burst into a heart stopping crescendo as the guy in the Sopranos came on the screen. I loved it. I reached for my phone, flicked to the best thing on my phone and pressed ‘Find Music’.
Music file not found
I stood up, walked to the TV, turned the volume up and held the phone right at the screen…
Music file not found
I hit the volume button to a point where the cat steamed out of the cat flap and Chris felt the need to ask what was going on…
Music file not found
That phone went flying through the air. Sky’s brand new channel was immediately switched off. I felt ridiculously annoyed. Well done for composing such a good piece of music. I wish it was something my phone had recognised as Id like to hear it more often but my phone has let me down, Sky has let me down and somewhere in my tiny head I’ve got a step closer to being a batty old woman.