Some Interesting Pairings…
Written by Jimmy
Combination of my new IPod and the transfer of a few zillion tracks and Morgan sending my her favourite music has led to two fun comparisons of songs….
1. Cover: The Cure’s Love Song… Adele’s cover made me realise how much I loved the original:
a. Original:
b. Cover:
2. Aren’t Rebel, Rebel and Satisfaction the Same Group
a. Satisfaction: Clearly a Stones Song, nice little Richard’s riff and listen to how the versus sound like the middle 8 for Rebel Rebel.
b. Rebel Rebel: Clearly a Stones Song, nice little Richard’s riff and listen to 3.11 middle 8, where the Rolling Stones seem to be repeating the verses of Satisfaction:
So that’s it, But then I happened to hear Bowie’s bad cover of God Only Knows while finding Rebel Rebel. that led to this Ukulele cover, which I like, sort of…
Which led to this cover from Ukulele girl, which I do like:
Turns out she has a pretty big following… But then right next to her was this, which is pretty funny
Which then led to this… Which I REALLY like:
Which led to this. I’m out of here