Tati Kalveks: ‘Barbie’
Written by Richmond - Hunter
‘Would Barbie Vajazzle?
I don’t think there’s a definitive conclusion as to whether or not Barbie is a good role model – it depends on what part(s) of her you focus on. As a kid, I loved Barbie, because I saw her as a kickass career woman with no limits. Ken eventually got lobotomised; he was dead weight. The world is too harsh on her for having massive jugs; Barbie does her intellectual thang despite her stereotyped image. I also don’t think she would get a vajazzle. She’s too busy for that shit.
I disapprove of vajazzling, largely because I don’t think vaginas need to be made more appealing with sparkly objects. Frankly, my experiences thus far as a woman do not tell me that I need to lure people towards my vagina, should I so wish. If the number of creepy men in bars, on the street, in parks and generally out and about in the world who want to see it is any indication, then I think my vagina is doing okay. Without a vajazzle.
The survival of the human race implies that vajazzling is unnecessary. Most men don’t get turned on by disco balls. Ergo a sparkly vagina is more likely to be surprising, and reminiscent of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, than enticing.’