10 Fun “Facts” (some are completely untrue, others are myths)

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  1. The Universe is 14 billion years old – if you assume for a moment it is 14 years old, then consider this:  the entire history of man kind would be 3 minutes and the entire history of the industrial age would be six seconds.  More importantly, rock & roll would only be with us a tenth of a second.   From a TV Show I just watched.
  2. If you sang your heart out for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would just produce enough energy to heat a cup of coffee.  No idea whatsoever how this was decided.
  3. A pregnat gold fish is called a twit or twerp.  This is actually not true.  First, there is no such thing as a pregnant gold fish.  They lay eggs.  Second, no pregnant fish are called twits or twerps.  Nonetheless, as a non-fact it is fun.
  4. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 (that is very, very cool I think!)
  5. Sherlock Holmes never said, “Elementary my Dear Watson” and Humphrey Bogart, in Casablanca, never said, “Play it again, Sam”.
  6. Babies are born without knee caps.  ???????  Well, I went to Discovery Health for more actual facts on this one; here’s what they say:   “Although it doesn’t show up on X-rays, your baby does in fact have kneecaps. They’re just not bony kneecaps. At birth, these kneecaps are still cartilage, and remain so for a few years. So all those spills and falls your toddler is taking aren’t going to be knee-breakers, just sponge-compressors. By the time your child is anywhere from 3 to 5 years old, those cartilage plates will have fully ossified into big-kid kneecaps, made of real bone. And every year after that, as that bone loses its bounce, those thrills and spills will get progressively less fun until those grown-up babies are creaking and groaning with the rest of us.”
  7. Months that begin on Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.  Well, I know April had a Friday the 13th this year (night of our Leon Gig) and guess what.  April started on a Sunday.  Works for me.
  8. Debra Winger was the voice of ET.   Well, I had to go to Wiki on this one.   Here’s what they say:   “The major voice work for E.T. was performed by Pat Welsh, an elderly woman who lived in Marin County, California. Welsh smoked two packets of cigarettes a day, which gave her voice a quality that sound effects creator Ben Burtt liked. She spent nine-and-a-half hours recording her part, and was paid $380 by Burtt for her services.[8] Burtt also recorded 16 other people and various animals to create E.T.’s “voice”. These included Spielberg; Debra Winger; Burtt’s sleeping wife, who had a cold; a burp from his USC film professor; and raccoons, sea otters, and horses.[9][10]
  9. Barbie’s measurements if she was life size: 39-23-33.  Not sure how to check on this one.
  10. All the clock’s in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck at 4.20.  Well, I found a very cool website of Pulp Fiction triva and here’s what they say:   “There is a persistent myth that that all the clocks in the movie are set to 4:20 (although, certainly all the clocks on the wall in the pawn shop are set to 4:20). However, in at least two scenes it is obvious that this is not the case. In the “Bonnie Situation” while Jimmy, Vince and Jules are drinking coffee in the kitchen, the clock clearly reads 8:15. Secondly, when Vince and Jules go to retrieve the briefcase, it is “7:22 in the a.m.”. The significance of the time 4:20 is that it is slang for smoking marijuana.”   They then go on to point out that F–K is used 265 times.

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