12.03.17: This Week in the Studio
Written by Jimmy
The studio re-opened after a month closing (following trips to Moscow, San Fran and the Singing Wells trip to Africa). Here are highlights:
The Music:
Andy (tenor guitar, snare drum), Rob (acoustic bass), Martyn (harp), Sam (backing vocals), Chris (lead vocals, lead guitar, surdo drum) and Sophie (cello) all joined us in the studio to work on two Chris songs: Walkaway and Be Like You. For both songs we were able to get good guitar, vocal and cello tracks down, but we’ll need to circle back with drums/percussion (our foray’s into Mike’s territory were decidedly random!).
Sam continues to be a relavation and his and Chris’s vocals work very well together. We now walk a fine line with him – wishing him to age fast enough to be allowed to gig with us at the Half Moon on April 29th, without getting so old his voice changes. The good news is we hope he can join us at our live gig at Leon on April 13.
We then moved from the studio to the front room to record Walk Away live in part as a tribute to the Great Daffodil Appeal, the fund raising campaign for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Here you go:
Everything Else
Jesus joined us to work on blogs, having moved heaven and rugby to make it to the studio. In addition, Hunter continues to work non-stop on Singing Wells videos. Here’s a little taster:
Speaking of Singing Wells, we had a trustee meeting where we reviewed our 2012-2014 strategy – lots of trips to Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda planned. We are also starting a set of training sessions for Ketebul Engineers in London, so expect to see a few of our friends from Ketebul marching around the studio soon.