12.07.14 This Week in the Studio
Written by Jimmy
After a month of closure, we re-opened the studio to record Chris Kozlowski’s new song Don’t Say You Might.
The Music
Don’t Say You Might is definitely country, with Rosie and Hannah concluding it is very Johnny Flynn.
Chris was joined by Rob on bass and drums and Martyn on electric guitar and harp. The song features a Middle 8 with Chris’s first key change. Chris is convinced that the last Chorus Verse will be a real “hoedown“.
Everything Else
Andy and Jimmy also met with Hannah and Rosie to review progress on the Singing Wells Music Map. Main discussion was around the media to display Singing Wells material (Google Maps) and to display instrument and song style patterns (Harvard Maps).
Finally, we packed up for the Spanish Jam, which starts next Friday.