Airbrushing and Photoshop – when things go really wrong.
Written by Jimmy
The big news this week was airbrushing savagely cut off a couple fingers of Kate Moss’s daughter. You’ve seen the pictures:
This led our investigative team to explore the issue of airbrushing gone wrong further and the horror’s we’ve found. Here are a few we’ve discovered on our way to solving who stole that poor girls’s fingers.:
1. This woman had her right leg dramatically reattached to her left thigh:
2. Woman gets head removed and reattached in a slightly exorcist fashion:
3. The latest, greatest super hero – Elastic-boy (right hand):
4. In this picture, through a combination of head expanding and waist slimming, this woman’s head is 33% larger than her waist. Her mother had a C-Section:
5. And if you want to know who took little Kate Mosses fingers, we’ve found him!
6. And we’re pretty sure he’s the same b*^%$ard that took this young woman’s pursue:
7. Our understanding that in an attempt to find the purse snatcher they incorrectly nabbed this young woman – and after a week of torture on the rack she falsely confessed:
8. What they never knew was this woman was his actual accomplice. Here, she shows off her ability to shop lift guitars by gradually hiding them in her hair:
And we’ll stop there, because after all it is all about the music. For more, go to here. They were the source for all these photos and should keep you entertained for 7 minutes.