Anti Google Rant!

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Is this only happening to me?

Every 8 days or so, when I go on you tube and try to play a video it says I need to upgrade my adobe flash player.    If you try, then as a default it also installs Google Chrome, which I hate.

I’ve now figured out to get out of you tube, close down my browser and go back into you tube and generally it goes away.  But if you don’t know that you can get caught in hell, where you can’t play videos and it won’t let you upgrade.

The glass if half full guy in me says it is just a little glitch.

The glass is half empty in me is pretty certain this is a little Google/you tube/ adobe scam to get folks on to google chrome and away from explorer.

Half full.  Half Empty.  It pisses me off.

Here’s my anti-rant song:


That’s better.  It’s hard to get that mad about google.  I like their little google doodles and my favourite is for Martha Graham, the great choreographer:


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