Changing the size of the Centre Circle for Canon Label Print
Written by Andy Patterson
Once in a while we stumble upon bits of information that may, just may be helpful to others.. and we like to share these with the world. Its how we roll. Or something. This piece of information will be boring to the vast majority of people in the world, but to the rest, it might just be helpful…..
So, at the minute, we’re producing our own DVDs to showcase the Singing Wells Project. As part of this, we are printing on-disc DVDs using a Canon printer. As a standard the printer prints up to what it thinks it the maximum level it can – which is a centre circle size of 38mm. However, our printable discs have a centre circle of 22mm.. Searches on the web were not forthcoming….
Thanks to the helpful nudges from Fin Barnes at Five-a-day Fitness, we have managed to print right up to the centre circle.. The way to do this is to go to the file menu and then to ‘Select Paper’.
In this dialogue box, create a new layout using the create button at the bottom. Set your outer circle to be the same as any other standard CD (118mm) and the inner to be the inner circle size – 22mm. Huzzah! It works.
Only easy if you know how and all that!
Thanks – this came in handy today! I had actually done it ages ago but today I couldn’t remember what I did!! 🙂 Great reminder!
Comment by Nikki on December 29, 2015 at 5:50 am
I am very grateful. It worked for me.
Comment by idiwaka on December 10, 2016 at 9:12 am