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Hope everyone had a relaxing and lovely Christmas! Ours is always really stressful due to my HUGE family. But still…it’s Christmas so it’s fun. I get forced to play carols on the saxophone in front of all of them (family tradition) because my great grandad feels we’re all incredibly talented, as all great granddads do. My brother pulled out last minute of playing the guitar much to my horror! But my cousins sang and danced and there was some flute playing too. However, the age gap being about 9 years …i felt very uncute and stupid.

Great Grandad loved it. And the people who find it amusing that I’m put under so much trauma videoed it. yay.

So that was Christmas eve out of the way, we could finally relax properly. On Christmas day some of my family came round and brought their spaniel, Jack(boy). I have a dog too, a border collie called Twix(girl). Jack came round and decides to impress Twix, everyone thought there was gonna be some Christmas magic!

Jack decided to pee on the kitchen door, which was just a mistake to mark his territory, trying to show off to Twix we all joked. Two minutes later, theres a puddle under a chair … ok Jack’s taking this a bit too far. Two minutes later, what’s that stain on the sofa? JACK. AGAIN. So peeing three times within the first 5 minutes of Christmas, we could tell he was a bad houseguest.

We put him and Twix outside to play and maybe make friends. Jack stood pawing at one door begging to be let back in(probably to pee again) and Twix pawing the other (get me away from this FREAK). The relationship wasn’t looking good.

Finally, we thought Jack could pull it out the bag by giving Twix his present for her. So my aunt handed Twix the bag of dog treats to eat. Before you know it, Jack has snatched the bag off of Twix and eaten her present.

I’m not seeing puppies anytime soon.

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