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Lots of travel.  Loaded lots of books on Kindle (my new very favourite gadget), including Breakout Nations (which in fairness I didn’t start until I fnished Buddy Guy’s autobiography).    With a Kindle, you can look up all the words you don’t know.  I get distracted a lot with new words.

Well, in the opening the author refers to talking to a farmhouse demmonde, which is a massive slam on a rich son of a rich Indian business man.  Somewhere between:  ‘a class of women considered to be of doubtful morality’ and ‘a group of people considered to be on the fringes of respectable society’ (according to Kindle).  Wow.  That is a good slam.

So I went further:  it is of fringe origin and essentially originally was all about not behaving against normal social mores (originally the French aristocracy.  “Such behaviors often included drinking or drug use, gambling, high spending (particularly in pursuit of fashion, as through clothing as well as servants and houses), and sexual promiscuity”  So basically New Money but specifically all the folks in Wise Guys or Wall Street.

At then went further and there’s a demi-monde in a major global city.  I clicked on it.  And all hell broke out.  I am pretty sure it is a madamn service of a whole lot of demi-monde’s for hire.  Yikes.  I’m washing off my computer as we speak and calling my wife to apologise in case the police stop by.   I’m too afraid to even tell you the city as I don’t want the evil internet folks to come after me.  [The last time the internet came after me, I had the poor judgement to point out that most of the piano teaching websites seemed to be populated by pedofiles grooming folks. Apparently that phrase popped a filter.  Damn!  Did it agian)

And to think I reported recently I shoudl read more.  Very, very dangerous. .


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