Father’s Day with an Extraordinary Woman

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Spent the morning in Arlington Cemetery, placing flowers for an extraordinary woman:

1. She placed 5 roses for her father who had five children; she was the youngest:


2. She placed 5 roses for her brother, who had five children; she was 35 when he died:


3. She placed 3 roses for her brother in law, who had three children:


4. She placed 5 roses for her husband, who had five children; I was the youngest.


Of course, I’d prefer not placing yellow roses on a grave for father’s day, nor to write the song below.  But if you have to do it, there’s no better way than to do so with an amazing woman.  My mom.  If you’ve got a dad alive, hug him tight.   If you don’t, give your Mom an extra-special squeeze.



Happy Father’s Day




  1. Jimmy, thanks, very thoughtful. I wish I could have been there with you and my Aunt Barbara. I’m glad you had nice weather.

    Comment by Bill Frink on June 17, 2012 at 8:20 pm

  2. Beautiful blog x

    Comment by Sophie on June 17, 2012 at 9:24 pm

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