Is Life ALWAYS amusing?
Written by Jimmy
New Year Resolution # 43: Enjoy Life’s Absurdities Even More than 2011, while participating in them first hand slightly less. With that in mind, look what a fast read of today’s paper brings. You can’t make this up:
1. Lady loses wedding ring. Lady finds ring years latter in vegetable she grew in garden. Vegetable is actually a carrot, playing delightfully off the term ‘carat’ used to measure diamond size. Lady Eats carrot and keeps ring. Chuckle. New Year’s Resolution to learn about life and draw big lesson: don’t eat vegetables – some contain very hard objects that could crack your teeth.
2. Dog chases boy’s car. A little matchbook car. Boy is frustrated as car goes missing. Blames himself. Not dog. Years later dog goes for x-ray. Missing car in rib cage. Chuckle. Draw big life lessons. Always blame the dog.
Feel better already.