I’ve Looked At Clouds from Both Sides Now
Written by Jimmy
The Cloud Appreciation Society has published their latest book on Clouds. Thought you should know. Here are two of my favourite cloud formations from the book:
1. Skier
2. Angel/Bird/Religous Experience, Trippy thing:
My favourite cartoon about clouds was the famous Peanuts Cartoon, where Linus and Shroeder (both Smart) point out all the formations they see in the sky, from country borders to musical scores. Poor Charlie looks up and things to himself: ‘Well, I was going to say I see a Duckie, but I think I’ll keep quiet.” Click here for a more accurate discussion of the cartoon. This is my life in the sutdio. If you click on that link, you’ll see the original cartoon which I amazingly found 2 years ago.
I know you know that I must now include Joni’s song. But to avoid being ridiculously predicatable I went for a strange cover, start at 1.27. I like it: and love the natural revereb of a church
[…] Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t credit Jimmy Allen of Abubilla Music who turned me on to a whole new way to listen to Joni Mitchell’s classic while pointing my gaze up into the clouds. […]
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