Kathy’s Joke

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A moth…


….walks into a doctor’s office.


The Doctor asked how he could help.   The moth answers, ‘Well doc.  The problem is my tooth back here.’  The moth points to a back tooth.  ‘Man, doc, this tooth is really killing me!’

The doctor answers, ‘Well, I can imagine it hurts, but why did you come to me and not go straight to the dentist?’

The moth answers, ‘Your light was on.’

Ka Boom.


We’re here all week.

Now, please listen to Santana’s Put Your Light On…


One comment

  1. took me a minute, but yea okay!

    “your light was on!!” I get it…
    Bwa ha ha ha, pretty funny!!

    Comment by holly b. on May 26, 2015 at 4:24 pm

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