Seven Amazing Coincidences …
Written by Jimmy
We were just reading the paper and then suddenly the penny dropped… Axl and the London Olympics are unbelievably fully inter-twined. Don’t believe us? Read on…
- 50 days to the Olympics. Axl Rose is 50.
- The Olympics are in London. Axl is in London. It gets more amazing.
- The London Olympics set out to SLASH its environmental footprint by 21%. Axl’s guitarist was named SLASH.
- At Olympics, athletes talk of ‘losing gold’, and losing silver. Axl Rose lost his gold and silver jewellery yesterday after he gave a private concert for folks and left his necklaces in his dressing room. It gets more stunning.
- There is a set of children’s books for the London Olympics called, Welcome to the Jungle Olympics. Axl’s big hit was Welcome to the Jungle. You can’t make this up.
- The Olympics does not have an ‘e’ in it’s name. Neither does Axl. He should.
- The Olympics Logo looks like a sexual encounter between Bart and Lisa. Axl had a negative encounter with Lisa (Presley).
When I was younger there was a similar set of facts around Kennedy vs. Lincoln (Always worth a re-read). But perhaps, these are even more amazing. I’m just saying…