Singing Wells in Northern Uganda

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As you all know (or you should – we have been so excited about this for a long time and it would be hard to miss it on the website), some of the Abubilla team – Jimmy, Andy, Hannah and Vicki – left for Uganda on November 29th for ten days to work for Singing Wells.  They have been posting daily blogs on the Singing Wells webite, under Field Reports, to give you (and the rest of the Abubilla Team at home in snowy England) reports on all of the amazing things they have been seeing, doing and listening to.

Their main aim was to record and archive traditional music – the importance of which is explained here. Lots of beautiful photos are embedded throughout all of their blogs from the trip, more of which will be coming soon… As you can imagine, they have taken thousands of pictures, videos and recordings and the internet connection isn’t too great there, but they are back in England now and working to give you access to everything they have been witness to!


But their blogs don’t just cover the music side, you can read all about the scary night roads, the courageous musicians or the dancing women.


Really, it is impossible to sum up this trip… Basically, you have got to go and read all of their blogs…

Day 0

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 part 1

Day 4 part 2

Day 5

Day 6 part 1

Day 6 part 2

Day 7 part 1

Day 7 part 2

Day 8

Day 9 part 1

Day 9 part 2

Keep checking back because more and more videos and sound clips will be added!

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