Smells Like Teen Spirit? And other Rock & Roll Perfume
Written by Jimmy
I’m late to the game here. I honestly didn’t know there was a Sex Pistols Perfume. Made me do a quick on-line search to see how many other band perfumes there are. Not the definitive list but enough to smell bad.
1. Sex Pistols Perfume: Yep, released in 2010, leading to lots of funny articles about whether it would be ‘Pretty Fragrant‘.
2. Kiss Perfume: Not surprisingly, then Kiss has their own perfume. But you can’t blame them – seems like Perfume and Rock and Rock have been linked from the beginning.
3. Elvis Perfume: So Elvis seems to have started all this with Teddy Bear perfurm…
4. The Beatles: Yep, right in there…
4. Michael Jackson
5. And Prince (although he’s ashamed enough to keep it over in Asia)
6. And My Absolute Favourite – Metallica. Go boys!
Let’s inevitably to the top 3 rock & roll songs about smell. This should be easy folks:
1. Yep, Smells Like Teen Spirit:
2. That Smell:
3. This Song Smells, The Kleptones