Tati’s Journey, Part 6: Rosie Gets Involved (Five Years Ago)

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Tati first played me a song of hers when we were about fourteen and from that day onwards it became my personal mission to make her into a successful musician.  My lack of knowledge about the music industry and inability to speak without showering people in spittle due to the impressive set of braces I was rocking did not occur to me to be problems.  Similarly, Tati’s near total lack of scientific understanding didn’t stop her testing me on the Krebs cycle for my multiple biology test re-takes (Tati has being a righteous musician lady; I have passing Biology exams).  My point, aside from re-iterating the fact that we’re a rad team and you should really come to our dinner parties, is that working for Abubilla is great because people are actually into me trying to promote Tati.

This weekend my tactic has been ‘contacting’ musicians’ facebook pages about Tati and Chris.  To be perfectly honest, I’m not contacting them, I’m spamming them.  I’m doing it terribly politely though.  In an attempt to avoid people becoming enraged by the irritatingly chirpy message I could leave along with the youtube videos, I’ve been playing it very understated.  You might like my friend Tati, she’s quite similar.  This guy is kind of cool.  Perhaps this makes me a terrible promoter.  That or a genius one – I would definitely be more inclined to watch a video described like that as opposed to HEY CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL IT’S SUPER AWESOME OKAY KISSES XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but that might just be me.  It also helps to combat my huge, overwhelming awkwardness.  Sitting alone at my kitchen table in the wee small hours of the morning, I find myself blushing as I wonder whether to slightly reword my pitch before realising there aren’t that many ways to say ‘watch this video she’s cool’ and going back to my original formula.  I’d say that happens about every five pages.  Hopefully I can get it down to ten this week.

This aside, the major flaw in my cunning plan is facebook redesign of musicians’ pages.  The new configuration means posts from people who aren’t the musician themselves are stuck in a box to the side.  Very clever facebook, very clever.  I see what you did there.  This means people like me, who are trying to promote something else on someone’s page get sidelined into a little box that probably, no one will ever click on.  See, there I am:



So hey, if you’re checking out Bonnie Tyler’s facebook page any time soon and you see one of my posts, do click on it.  It would be nice to know my blushes weren’t for nothing.

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