The Best of the Singing Wells 2011
Written by Andy Patterson
So, you’ve heard us talk about this Singing Wells thing repeatedly, and if you haven’t checked out the website, then you won’t know what it is about. The best way to get a feel for it is to listen to all of the tracks in this soundcloud player:
The Singing Wells project is almost a year old, if you take the date of the March Pilot project as its birthday.
We’ve so far managed to complete 36 videos which we have uploaded to YouTube, around 80 audio recordings (so far – we have yet to publish the Lake Turkana festival and most of the Nyanza poject recordings) and have around 2 TB of data. There is more to come, partly from new recordings and partly that we haven’t had a chance to assess and produce.
An important part of the project is making all of this available to the world. There’s no point in recording the music and putting the drive on a shelf to gather dust.
So we try to make everything we record available. Whether it be in video form via our dedicated YouTube channel: or via the account very generously provided by Soundcloud:
And to that end, we have produced a collection of what we think are the highlights of the project from 2011. There may be a limited amount of these CDs available, so if you’re interested, then please get in touch via email.
Enjoy, and thanks for your support.