Two little phrases that crack me up…
Written by Jimmy
So we have a little academic theme here:
- The Allen kids have A levels or GCSC’s. Chris K is also dying under A – levels. So everyone with kids 16-18 have their downstairs rooms given over to study books. But for some reason the TV is always on because everyone is always apparently in a break. So we are now calling this phase of our lives: Tel-Revision. Cracks me up, at least.
- The other Allen kid is in Florence at Art history School. He reports that the Girl to Guy ratio is about 5:1. That is a tip in and of itself. But I was telling my sister this and she recounted that when her youngest daughter was applying to all the geeky science schools she was discovering the ratio was roughly 8:1 boys to girls. But the phrase the girls were using was: The Odds are Good but the Goods Are Odd. Cracked me up.
Brightness to a rainy day…