WWLATE #1 Toast Cooling…

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We love you.   But we do find some things particularly lovable.  This is my personal favourite.

You cool toast more efficiently than any other people.

I don’t know why.

Most peoples keep their breads warm in the morning, wrapped snuggly in a pastry basket.   You pull back the clothe to a suddle burst of steam and wiff of bread.

You hate all that.

You have invented a machine to cool your toast.  Quickly.  Efficiently.

In restaurants, you make sure the toast arrives ice cold to your table.  You see the steam flowing from it as the waiter reaches your table.

This has taken years to perfect.  It takes steel.  Hard steel.  The rest of the world uses wicker baskets and soft cloth.

It takes science.  All surfaces of the toast must be exposed to the air.  The toast slices  cannot touch or they might retain heat.

It takes skill and will.  the waiter must rush the item to your table, ensuring maximum air flows.

You, people of these wonderful isles, have created the perfect device.  The Toast Cooler:


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