A Love Story for Easter Morning
Written by Jimmy
Like many of you, I have a collection of university friends who constantly barage each other with jokes and videos from the internet. We immediately are 18 again and to be clear, when we were 18 we were 12. All boy humour. All stuff you aren’t proud of. All stuff that is embarassing, stupid but it all cracks us up and keeps us young. The key is to be cynical, irreverent, stupid – nothing is off limits as long as you’re not earnest or serious.
So it was pretty shocking when one of the boys circulated an e mail of a Love Story in 20 pictures or so, that has been making the rounds from photographer Tim Dodd. All you need to know about the background story is here (click here) but only do it after taking a stroll through the photos. As this circulated amongst us, all we said was wow. All we did was send it to our wives. Not a joke. But we hugged our families tigher. Happy Easter.
If you’d like a soundtrack, this would be my choice..
A Love Story begins…
The Email that has been circulating ends with a simple phrase: “If he is a hero, she is an angel.’
Happy Easter