Assistant/blogger/tea & coffee maker…
Written by oliviawallwork
It’s been a year that I’ve been working as an assistant at Abubilla studios and over the 12 months I’ve been here, I feel I’ve learned a few things when it comes to being a good(ish) assistant/blogger/tea and coffee maker…. At the start, the coffee had bits in it, the laptop sounded like it was about to take off every time I turned it on and wordpress seemed like the most complicated system ever. So I think everyone was glad when I learned how to use the coffee machine, got a Mac for my birthday and settled into using wordpress… Here are a couple of tips I have learned along the way…
1. Buy a laptop case
At the beginning, I would carry my laptop to work in a book bag, along with the charger. Not a good idea. The laptop took a lot of knocks – I’m quite a careless person anyway – and the charger made a horrible sound when it scratched across the outside of the laptop! So, last week in the studio when I actually dropped my new(ish) Mac on the floor, I realised I needed to not be an idiot and get a laptop case. It’s pretty much an essential if your job involves carrying your laptop about surely?! Here is my laptop looking safe and sound in its case:
2. Learn how to actually make tea and coffee
I am neither a tea nor coffee drinker, so that came to be a littttleeee bit of a problem when making tea and coffee is an essential part of my job description. This was mostly trial and error, but – I won’t lie – I did play very close attention when my friends made their hot beverages in the common room at school… This has lead to at least competent and drinkable drinks begin made made. Which clearly contributes to better music making…
3. Do not be afraid if things get a little strange
As they quite often do…
4. Take blog inspiration from everywhere
It’s sometimes difficult to think of blog ideas that you think people will actually find interesting/amusing. It used to worry me that I was posting things that no one would care or want to read about. So how did I improve my blogging? Well, my new general rule is post what you want to post… Which, I guess doesn’t really make me a very good blogger but ah well, someone out there will have a similar humour/music/general taste to me so could possibly appreciate my blog at least sometimes…. Blogs since my start at Abubilla a year ago have been far reaching and random. From UNESCO African music preservation to celebrity halloween costumes, from my love for Obama to the pros & cons of Spotify and from alternative Christmas music to my playlist for 2013. There has also been a lot of funny/peculiar videos, which I often get linked to by Jimmy…
A few things I’ve had to learn the hard (but always fun too) way…